Thursday, January 3, 2013

Are You Out Of Excuses?

Only about one-fifth of adults get the
amount of physical activity they need.


· Exercise combats health conditions and diseases
· Speeds up recovery from surgery or injury
· Improves mood & self-esteem
· Controls weight
· Boosts energy
· Promotes better sleep
· Improves flexibility & strength
· Improves the way you look in your jeans

You + 1 hour + music + $3=
Stretching, Strength Training, Conditioning, Toning, Cardio, & Feeling Great

All levels welcome!

Starts Jan 10, 2013
Thursdays from 6-7p
Dance Studio near Gym
Boys & Girls Club
365 Lindell Ave Leominster, MA

RSVP Required 978.590.0216
Release must be signed prior to participation.
ONLY $3 per person

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